God is the greatest. He is the master of the universe. He is the beginning, the middle and the end. He is the supreme soul in the entire universe. Here, I represent some of my thoughts about God:
The hierachy of God:
1st level God -> GOD, the only one; Invisible, infinite and ultimate
G -> Greatest
O -> Omnipotent
D -> Divine
2nd level God -> Gods, namely Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh according to the Hindu mythology
G -> Generator of all the lives - Brahma
O -> Operator of all the lives - Vishnu
D -> Destroyer of all the lives - Mahesh
3rd level God -> Gods, namely Ram, Krishna in Hinduism, Allah in Islamism, Guru Nanak in Sikhism, Jesus Christ among the Christians, Buddha in Buddhism, Mahavir, Parshvanath in Jainism, Swami Narayan among the Swami Narayans, Zuruthrashtra in Zuruastrianism etc.
3. Decendency among the Gods:
1st level GOD knows everything, he orders the 2nd level Gods,
the 2nd level Gods obeys Him and orders the 3rd level Gods,
the 3rd level Gods obeys Them and orders the 4th level family Gods,
the 4th level family Gods guides us to live our lives in the right way and
the 5th level human beings i.e. we the people implement it in our lives.
4. Additional points:
1. GOD is invisible to us, because we do not deserve to see GOD.
2. When we cannot even imagine GOD, then there is no reason that we can see GOD in real.
3. But even then, we need to believe in GOD, because:
-> GOD is there everywhere, at all the times and in all kinds of situations,
-> GOD is there in everyone and everything and
-> GOD is there in every atom of everyone and everything.
The reason for that:
-> Atom->comes from the word “atma”.
-> There is atom and “atma” in everyone, I mean, every living being and there is atom in everything, I mean, all the non-living things also.
-> The origin of the universe is from the smallest but most powerful atom named black hole.
-> An atom, which also means "atma" is having life which is a form of God.
-> So, it can be said that every atom has life which is originally a part of the first atom only.
-> Thus, we can say that there is a part of God in every atom of the universe.
There is one good satire about this:
During the earlier times, God was residing in the temple. People use to visit temple in order to pray God. God thought that millions of prayers from thousands of devotees everyday is disturbing me too much over here. Let me change my place from here. So, God changed his place from the temple and moved to the caves of Amarnath on top of a mountain. Then people started to visit the caves of Amarnath in order to pray God. Every year around 5,00,000 visitors went to Amarnath. God again got disturbed by this. Then God changed his place from Amarnath and moved to the holy river of Ganga. But then people started to visit river Ganga and began to bathe in that river in order to get rid of all of their sins. There was so much rush of the people to the river that the river itself got polluted by the collection of sins of thousands of people every year.
God thought that people have found me here also. Now, I cannot stay here anymore. Let me change my place from here. So, God moved from the river Ganga and settled on top of the Mount Everest thinking that nobody will be able to find me here. But then, people started to climb Mount Everest also. Again God was disturbed. He got very much annoyed by this. He finally decided to leave this world and settle on Moon. So, God left this world and went on Moon thinking that now He would be absolutely safe over there. But to the amusement of God, man landed on Moon and then started making trips to Moon. God got disturbed even on the Moon. By this God was horrified and then He moved on from Moon on to the planet Mars thinking it to be his final rescue. To the surprise of God, man even reached upto the planet Mars. At this, God thought that men are able to reach where ever I go. Now I will have to find a place where people cannot search me.
God thought a lot about such a place. Finally, He decided to hide Himself inside the soul of a human being. Thus, God hid himself inside the soul of human being. Thereafter, people are searching God everywhere. They are searching God in the temples, on the mountains, in the rivers, in the holy books and even in other human beings. But the fact is that they do not need to search God anywhere else. God is present in everyone. God is already there in the soul of everyone. The only need is to search God within ourselves and obey Him.
4. So, there is God in everyone, everything, everywhere, at all the times and in all the kinds of situations. The need for us is to take everything as the wish of God. Anything happening in the life of anyone has to be and is only according to the will and wish of God. So, the need is to abide by God, follow Him, go with Him, obey Him and live according to the path shown by Him.
5. The thing is only that we need to believe in GOD. We do not need to pray Him, because He does not even require to be requested, as He is the one who always does good and right only. So, we only need to worship him with our true heart, mind and soul. The rest will be on the part of God. God will do right things for the true souls.